On May 10-11, 2006, I chaired IBM’s Almaden Institute on Cognitive Computing. The Institute brought together over 165 attendees from over 57 different institutions and featured prominent speakers and panelists: Nobelist Gerald Edelman, The Neurosciences Institute, Henry Markram, EPFL/BlueBrain, Robert Hecht-Nielsen, UCSD, Jeff Hawkins, Palm/Numenta, James Albus, NIST, Theodore Berger, USC, Kwabena Boahen, Stanford, Ralph Linsker, IBM, Jerry Swartz, The Swartz Foundation, V. S. Ramachandran, UCSD, John Searle, UC Berkeley, Joaquin Fuster, UCLA, Leslie Valiant, Harvard University, Toby Berger, University of Virginia, and Christof Koch, Caltech.
Today, 8.5 years later, I chaired IBM’s Cognitive Systems Colloquium with the goal of Taking Brain-Inspired Computing to Market. The Colloquium gathered over 200 eminent, innovative thinkers from academia, government, industry, research and the media.
Here are speakers and panelists:
- Andreas Andreou, Johns Hopkins
- Dharmendra S Modha, IBM Fellow, IBM Chief Scientist, Brain-Inspired Computing
- Fei-Fei Li, Director, AI Lab, Stanford University
- Gary Marcus, NYU
- Gill Pratt, DARPA SyNAPSE Program Manager
- Horst Simon, Deputy Director, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab
- Karlheinz Meier, Co-Director, Human Brain Project, U. Heidelberg
- Mark Anderson, Future in Review and Strategic News Service
- Michael Hawrylycz, Allen Institute for Brain Science
- Miyoung Chun, Executive VP of Science Programs, Kavli Foundation
- Rajit Manohar, Cornell University, Associate Dean
- Richard Cytowic, Author of Synesthesia: A Union of the Senses
- Jayashree Subrahmonia, Vice President, Products, IBM Watson Group
- Tobi Delbruck, Co-Founder, iniLabs & Professor, ETH
- Vijaykrishnan Narayanan, PI, NSF Expeditions in Computing, Professor, Penn State
The Colloquium also included a SyNAPSE Deep Dive that covered: TrueNorth Architecture, TrueNorth Neuron Model, TrueNorth Chip with 1 million neurons and 256 million synapses, Single Chip Board, 16 chip Board, Future Scaling Path, TrueNorth “program”, Compass Simulator, Corelet Programming Language, SyNAPSE University, and Demos.
Videos from the event will be available in the near future. Here is a summary.